
01.C-H Lin, C-R Yang, Y-C Ou, Y-L Kao, C-L Cheng. Recurrence and progression of stage T1 superficial bladder cancer. J Urol ROC. 1998 Mar. 9(1):1-6.(Non SCI)

02.C-K Su, Y-L Kao, Y-C Ou, H-C Ho, C-L Cheng, H-W Shih, C-H Lin, C-R Yang. Congenital Renal Arteriovenous Malformation – 3 Cases Report. J Urol ROC. 1999 Mar. 10(1):37-41. (Non SCI)

03.W-M Chen, C-R Yang, F-C Lee*, C-H Lin, H-W Shih, Y-L Kao, H-C Ho, Y-C Ou, C-L Cheng, J-T Chen**. Removal of Renal Cell Carcinoma Extending into Supradiaphragmatic Inferior Vena Cava Using Cardiopulmonary Bypass with Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest – A Report of 2 Cases. J Urol ROC. 1999 Dec. 10(4):173-176. (Non SCI)

04.C-H Lin,A-W Chiu, H-C Ho, Y-C Ou, C-L Cheng, H-S Wu, C-R Yang. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Adrenalectomy: Initial Experience in Taichung Veterans General Hospital. J Urol ROC. 2000 Sept. 11(3): 120-125. (Non SCI)

05.H-C Ho, C-R Yang, Y-C Ou, C-L Cheng, Y-L Kao, C-H Lin, C-K Su, K-Y Chiu. Orthotopic Neobladder (Studer Pouch) after Radical Cystoprostatectomy: Experience in Taichung Veterans General Hospital. J Urol ROC. 2000 Sept. 11(3):114-119.(Non SCI)

06.C-K Su, Y-L Kao, J-T Chen, C-H Lin, H-W Shih, H-C Ho, Y-C Ou, C-L Cheng, C-R Yang. Pheochromocytoma of Urinary Bladder: A case report. Formosan J Surg, 2000. 33:178-182. (Non SCI)

07.J-C Wang, C-H Lin, W-S Tseng, A-W Chiu. An Unusual Presentation of Adrenal Adenoma on Magnetic Resonance Images: Case Report. J Urol ROC. 2002 June. 13(2):68-71. (Non SCI)

08.K-H Shen, C-H Lee, T-C Cheng, C-H Lin, A-W Chiu. Large Bladder Stones Treated with Percutaneous Suprapubic Cystolithotripsy. J Urol ROC. 2002 Mar. 13(1):8-12. (Non SCI)

09.C-H Lin, J-C Wang, A-W Chiu, S-K Huan. Hand-assisted laparoscopic nephroureterectomy and ileal conduit:Case report. J Urol ROC. 2002 June. 13(2):79-83. (Non SCI)

10.A-W Chiu, V Radhakrishnan, C-H Lin, S-K Huan, M-P Wu. Internal bladder retractor for laparoscopic cystectomy in the female patient. J Urology. 2002 Oct. 168(4 pt1):1479-1481.(SCI IF:3.030)

11.C-H Lin, C-H Chen, W-S Tzeng, B-C Cheng, A-W Chiu. Migration of A Dislodged Tip of an Ultrasound Lithotripter Probe to the Pulmonary Artery – A Rare Complication of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. Urology. 2003 Dec. 62(6):1121-1122.(SCI IF: 2.782)

12.A-W Chiu, C-H Lin, S-K Huan, C-J Liu, C-C Lin, Y-L Huang, W-R Lin, S-H Huang, P-S Lee, C-N Lin. Creation of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction and Its correction by Chemical Glue-Assisted Laparoscopic Dismembered Pyeloplasty. J Endourol. 2003 Feb. 17(1):23-28. (SCI IF: 1.262)

13.Y-S Tseng, C-C Tzeng, A-W Chiu, C-H Lin, S-J Won, I-C Wu, H-S Liu. Ha-raz overexpression mediated cell apoptosis in the presence of 5-fluorouracil. Experimental Cell Research. 2003 Aug. 288(2):403-414. (SCI IF:3.949)

14.A-P Ramani, S-C Abreu, M-M Desai, A-P Steinberg, C Ng, C-H Lin, J-H Kaouk, I-S Gill. Laparoscopic Upper Pole Partial Nephrectomy With Concomitant En Bloc Adrenalectomy. Urology. 2003 Aug. 62(2):223-226. (SCI IF: 2.782)

15.S-H Huang, A-W Chiu, C-H Lin, C-J Liu, S-K Huan, B-S Lee, W-L Lin, S-T Wu, R-Vijayan, Z-N Lin. Efficacy of Ultrasonic Tissue Dissector and Tissue Glue for Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy in a Porcine Model. International Surgery. 2003 Oct-Dec. 88(4):199-204. (SCI IF: 0.287)

16.T-Y Hsueh, A-W Chiu, Y-L Huang, S-K Huan, T-C Cheng, K-H Shen, V-C Lin, Y-C Wang, J-P Ju, C-N Lin. The Role of Urine BTA-TRAK and Cytology Tests for Follow-up of Superficial Bladder Transitional Cell Carcinoma. JTUA, 2003 Mar. 14(1):1-5.(Non SCI)

17.C-H Lin, A Moinzadeh, A-P Ramani, I-S Gill.Histopathologic Confirmation of Complete Cancer Cell Kill in Excised Specimens After Renal Cryotherapy. Urology. 2004 Sept. 64(3):590.e22-590.e23. (SCI IF: 2.585)

18.C-H Lin, A-P Steinberg, A-P Ramani, S-C Abreu, M-M Desai, J Kaouk, D-A Goldfarb, I-S Gill.Laparoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy in the Presence of Circumaortic or Retroaortic left Renal Vein. J Urology. 2004 Jan. 171(1):44-46 (SCI IF: 3.713)

19.S-L Hsu, A-W Chiu, V-C Lin, C-C Wang, Y-H Lee, J-J Lin, C-N Lin, C-F Li, C-L Lu. Is the Laparoscopic Technique Feasible for Performing Ileal Ureter? A Survival Porcine Study. JTUA. 2004 Dec. 15(4):159-166.(Non SCI)

20.A-C Liao, V-C Lin, T-C Cheng, A-W Chiu, Y-H Lee. (Correspondence) Total Laparoscopic Nephrouretectomy and Bladder Cuff Excision for a Renal Pelvic Tumor in an Atrophic Kidney: Case Report and Technical Considerations. JTUA. 2005 March. 16(1):25-30.(Non SCI)

21.V-C Lin, H-C Wu, C-H Chang. Purely Laparoscopic Left Liver Donor Nephrectomy: Initial Experience in China Medical University Hospital. JTUA. 2005 March. 16(1):65-69,(Non SCI)

22.P-T Tzeng, C-T Wang, S-L Hsu, V-C Lin, Y-H Lee. (Correspondence) Pure Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy with A Concomitant Radical Cystoprostatectomy for Multifocal Urothelial Carcinoma in Male Uremic Patients: 2 Case Reports and Literature Review. JTUA. 2005 Dec. 16(4):158-162.(Non SCI)

23.V-C Lin, A-C Liao, L-C Chang, W-S Tzeng. Percutaneous Wallstent Implantation to Rescue Failed Ureteropyelostomy for Massive Ureteral Necrosis after Renal Transplantation. Transplantation. 2006 June 15. 81(11):1605-1606.(SCI IF:3.972)

24.I-C Lin, C-J Chen, C-H Lin, J-C Hwang. CT Finding of Renal Vein Invasion by Aggressive Renal Angiomyolipoma: a case report. Chinese J. Radiology. 2006. 31(5):261-265.(Non SCI)

25.K Lu, V-C Lin. (Correspondence) Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy for upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma- the role of laparoscopic surgery in 2007. JTUA. 2007 Dec. 18(4):197-202. (Non SCI)

26.C-Y Huang, V-C Lin, C-T Wang, Y-P Tung, S-T Chien. (Correspondence) Primary Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Ureter. JTUA. 2007 Dec. 18(4):232-234.(Non SCI)

27.Yu-Shan Chang, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin (Correspondence), Kai-Jen Lin, Ying-Ying Shen. Carcinoid Tumor of the Urinary Bladder: Case Report and Literature Review. JTUA. 2007 Spet. 18(3):154-156.(Non SCI)

28.Y-S Chang, C-H Lin, J-C Huang. (Correspondence) Ureteral Endometriosis Treated with Laparoscopic Ureteral Resection and Primary Anastomosis: Report of a case. Formos J Surg. 2007 Aug. 40(4):171-176. (Non SCI)

29.K Lu, C-Y Huang, I-C Lin, V-C Lin, T-J Yu. (Correspondence) Laparoscopic Management of Symptomatic Communicating Type Renal Cysts. JTUA. 2008 Spet. 19(3):180-185. (Non SCI)

30.K Lu, V-C Lin, I-C Lin, J-C Hwang, T-J Yu, H-P Wang, C-Y Chiang, H-Y Lin, E-K Lim. (Correspondence) Collecting Duct Carcinoma of the Kidney Mimicking a Locally Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma. JTUA. 2008 June. 19(2):90-93.(Non SCI)

31.E-K Lin, V-C Lin, T-J Yu, H-C Chang. (Correspondence) Suprapubic Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans: Case Report and Literature Review. JTUA. 2008 Dec. 19(4):232-234.(Non SCI)

32.V-C Lin, K Lu. Laparoscopic complete urinary tract exenteration with the specimen withdrawn transvaginally. BJU International. 2009 June,. 103(11):1584-1585.(SCI IF:2.865)

33.V-C Lin, G Coughlin, S Savamedi, K-J Palmer, R-F Coelho, V-R Patel. Modified Transverse Plication for Bladder Neck Reconstruction during Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy. BJU International. 2009 Sept6. 104(6):878-881.(SCI IF:2.865)

34.V-C Lin, H-C Weng, E-K Lim, I-C Lin, T-J Yu. (Correspondence) An Atrophic Crossed Fused Kidney with an Ectopic Vaginal Ureter Causing Urine Incontinence. Urology. 2010 Jul. 76(1):55-56.(SCI IF: 2.334)

35.C-F Chien Chang, H-S Chen, S-W Hsieh, P-H Tan, V-C Lin , C-C Liu, P-S Liu, K-C Hung. Topical Lidocaine Improves Conditions for Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion. Can J Anesth. 2010 May. 57(5):446-452.(SCI IF: 2.180)

36.B-Y Bao, V-C Lin, S-H Huang, J-B Pao, T-Y Chang, T-L Lu, Y-H Lan, L-M Chen, W-C Ting, W-H Yang, C-J Hsieh, S-P Huang. Clinical Significance of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily Member 11b Polymorphism in Prostate Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2010 Jun. 17(6):1675-1681.(SCI IF:4.182)

37.Y-C Chen, J-W Tsai, H-P Chen, I-C Lin, V-C Lin. (Correspondence) Retroperitoneal Extra-Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Presenting with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. Urol Sci. 2010 Sept. 21(3):148-151.(Non SCI)

38.Y-C Chen, V-C Lin, T-J Yu. Antenatal Hydronephrosis. Urol Sci. 2010 Sept. 21(3):109-112.(Non SCI)

39.J-N Lin, V-C Lin, K-M Rau, P-C Shieh, D-H Kuo, J-C Shieh, W-J Chen, S-C Tsai, T-D Way (Equal Contribution). Resveratrol modulates tumor cell proliferation and protein translation via SIRT1-dependent AMPK activation. J Agric Food Chem. 2010 Feb 10. 58(3):1584-1592. (SCI IF: 2.816)

40.B-Y Bao, J-B Pao, V-C Lin, C-N Huang, T-Y Chang, Y-H Lan, T-L Lu, H-Z Lee, L-M Chen, W-C Ting, C-J Hsieh, S-P Huang. Individual and cumulative association of prostate cancer susceptibility variants with clinicopathologic characteristics of the disease. Clin Chim Acta. 2010 Sept. 411(1):1232-1237.(SCI IF:2.389)

41.K-C Hung, C-W Chen, V-C Lin, H-C Weng, S-W Hsieh. The effect of pre-emptive use of minimal dose fentanyl on fentanyl-induced coughing. Anaesthesia. 2010 Jan. 65(1):4-7. (SCI IF: 3.008)

42.V-C Lin, C-H Chou, Y-C Lin, J-N Lin, C-C Yu, C-H Tang, H-Y Lin, T-D Way. Osthole suppresses fatty acid synthase expression in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells through modulating Akt/mTOR pathway. J Agric Food Chem. 2010 Apr 28. 58(8):4786-4793.(SCI IF: 2.816)

43.V-C Lin, K-C Hung, M-J Chen, K Lu, Y Chen, H-C Weng, T-J Yu. (Correspondence) Single-Session Laparoscopic Total Urinary Tract Exenteration without Repositioning for Multifocal Urothelial Carcinoma in Dialysis-dependent Patients. Urology. 2011 Jan. 77(1):98-103.(SCI IF: 2.334)

44.P-H Tan, S-W Yu, V-C Lin, C-C Liu, C-F Chien.RNA interference-mediated gene silence of the NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor by subcutaneous injection of vector-encoding short hairpin RNA reduces formalin-induced nociception in the rat. Pain. 2011 Mar. 152(3):573-581.(SCI IF: 5.355)

45.V-C Lin, J-C Wang, K Lu, S-T Pang, K-C Hung, H-C Weng, C-T Hsu, T-J Yu. (Correspondence) Thymidine Phosphorylase Expression in Human Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma. Urol Sci. 2011 March. ISSN: 1879-5226. 22(1):32−37.(Non SCI)

46.S-D Chung, C-C Wu, V-C Lin, C-H Ho, S-S Yang, Y-C Tsai. Minilaparoscopic Varicocelectomy with Preservation of Testicular Artery and Lymphatic Vessels by Using Intracorporeal Knot-tying Technique: Five-year Experience. World J Surg. 2011 Aug. 35(8):1785-1790. (SCI IF: 2.693)

47.E-K Lim, V-C Lin, H-C Chang. Ketamine Abuse Associated with Bilateral Kidney Hydronephrosis. Incont Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2011 Mar. 5(1):23-24.(Non SCI)

48.V-C Lin, H-Y Ding, P-C Tsai, J-Y Wu, Y-H Lu, T-S Chang. (Equal Contribution) In vitro and in vivo melanogenesis inhibition by biochanin A from Trifolium pratense. Biosci Biotech Bioch. 2011 May. 75(5):914-918. (SCI IF: 1.292)

49.E-K Lim, V-C Lin, C-T Shu, T-J Yu, K Lu. (Correspondence) Gastric Cancer with Bladder Metastasis: Case Report and Literature Review. Urol Sci. 2011 June. 22(2):80-82.(Non SCI)

50.E-K Lim, V-C Lin. Stones Formation Associated with Neobladder Urinary Diversion. Incont Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2011 Mar. 5(1):25-26.(Non SCI)

51.V-C Lin, H-Y Ding, S-Y Kuo, L-W Chin, J-Y Wu, T-S Chang. Evaluation of in Vitro and in Vivo Depigmenting Activity of Raspberry Ketone from Rheum officinale. Int J Mol Sci. 2011 July. 12(8):4819-4835.(SCI IF:2.279)

52.P-H Tan, V-C Lin, H-S Chen, K-C Hung. The effect of transoesophageal echocardiography probe insertion on tracheal cuff pressure. Anaesthesia. 2011 Sep. 66(9):791-795.(SCI IF: 3.008)

53.Lin YH,Yu TJ,Lin VC,Yang MS,Kao CC. Changes in Quality of Life Among Prostate Cancer Patients After Surgery. Cancer Nursing. 2012 Nov-Dec. 35(6):476-482.(SCI IF:1.792)

54.H-C Weng, Y-S Chen, V-C Lin, Y-K Tu, H-H Lin, S-W Yu. Specialty differences in the association between health care climate and patient trust. Med Educ. 2011 Sep. 45(9):905-912.(SCI IF: 2.639)

55.V-C Lin, Y-C Tsai, S-D Chung, T-C Li, C-H Ho, F-S Jaw, H-C Tai, H-J Yu. (Correspondence) (Equal Contribution) A Comparative Study of Multiport Versus Laparoendoscopic Single-site Adrenalectomy for Benign Adrenal Tumors. Surg Endosc. 2012 Apr. 26(4):1135-1139. (SCI IF: 3.436)

56.T-S Chang ,V-C Lin. Melanogenesis Inhibitory Activity of Two Generic Drug:Cinnarizine and Trazodone in Mouse B16 Melanoma Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2011 Dec 02. 12(12):8787-8796.(SCI IF:2.279)

57.Y-H Lin, V-C Lin, T-J Yu, T-B Chen, M-S Yang and C-C Kao. (Correspondence) The effects of a nerve-sparing procedure on urinary incontinence and sexual function among radical prostatectomy patients. Int J Urol Nurs. 2011 Nov. 5(3):131-138. (SCI IF:0.111)

58.Y-H Lin, V-C Lin, T-J Yu, H-P Wang, K Lu. (Correspondence) Comparison of health-related quality of life between subjects treated with radical prostatectomy and brachytherapy. J Clin Nurs. 2012 Jul. 21(13-14):1906-1912 (SCI IF: 1.228)

59.C-Y Huang, J-W Tsai, V-C Lin, T-J Yu. Bilateral Renal Myxoid Perineuriomas. Am J Med Sci. 2012 Mar. 343(3):265-266. (SCI IF:1.257)

60.C-H Liao, V-C Lin, S-D Chung, H-C Kuo. Therapeutic effect of a-blockers and antimuscarinics in male lower urinary tract symptoms based on the International Prostate Symptom Score subscore ratio. Int J Clin Pract. 2012 Feb. 66(2):139-145. (SCI IF:2.309)

61.Y-H Lin, T-J Yu, V-C Lin, H-P Wang, K Lu. Effects of Early Pelvic-Floor Muscle Exercise for Sexual Dysfunction in Radical Prostatectomy Recipients.Cancer Nurs. 2012 Mar-Apr.35(2):106-114. (SCI IF:2.065)

62.Yao-Chou Tsai, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Shiu-Dong Chung, Chen-Hsun Ho, Fu-Shan Jaw, Huai-Ching Tai. (Equal Contribution) Ergonomic and geometric tricks of laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) by using conventional laparoscopic instruments. Surg Endosc. 2012 Sep. 26(9):2671-2677. (SCI IF:3.436)

63.Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Ya-Chu Tsai, Jia-Ni Lin, Ling-Ling Fan, Min-Hsiung Pan, Chi-Tang Ho, Jiumn-Yih Wu, Tzong-Der Way. Activation of AMPK by Pterostilbene Suppresses Lipogenesis and Cell-Cycle Progression in p53 Positive and Negative Human Prostate Cancer Cells. J Agric Food Chem. 2012 Jun 27, 60(25):6399-6407. (SCI IF:2.823)

64.Lin VC, Tsai TC, Chen DF. Selection of medical students in Taiwan. Med Teach. 2012, 34(10):867-868. (SCI IF:1.217)

65.Wen-Sheng Tzeng, Reng-Hong Wu, Steven Kuan-Hua Huang, Chee-Wai Mak, Alex Chien-Hwa Liao, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin. A comparison of pyelography and various reconstructions of multidetector helical computed tomography urography images for diagnosing urinary obstruction. Clin Imag. 2012 Nov-Dec, 36(6):773-779. (SCI IF:0.746)

66.Yuan-Hong Jiang, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Chun-Hou Liao, Hann-Chorng Kuo.( Equal Contribution) International prostatic symptom score - voiding/storage subscore ratio in association with total prostatic volume and maximum flow rate is diagnostic of bladder outlet-related lower urinary tract dysfunction in men with lower urinary tract symptoms. PLoS One. 2013 Mar, 8(3):e59176. (SCI IF:4.092)

67.Chia-Cheng Yu, Victor C. Lin, Chao-Yuan Huang, Chia-Chu Liu, Jyh-Seng Wang, Tony T. Wu, Yeong-Shiau Pu, Chun-Hsiung Huang, Chun-Nung Huang, Shu-Pin Huang, and Bo-Ying Bao. Prognostic Significance of Cyclin D1 Polymorphisms on Prostate-Specific Antigen Recurrence After Radical Prostatectomy. Ann Surg Oncol. 2013 Dec, 20(suppl 3):S492-S499. (SCI IF:4.166)

68.Shu-Pin Huang, Victor C. Lin, Yung-Chin Lee, Chia-Cheng Yu, Chao-Yuan Huang, Ta-Yuan Chang, Hong-Zin Lee, Shin-Hun Juang, Te-Ling Lu, Bo-Ying Bao. Genetic variants in nuclear factor-kappa B binding sites are associated with clinical outcomes in prostate cancer patients. Eur J Cancer. 2013 Nov, 49(17):3729-3737. (SCI IF:5.061)

69.Hung KC, Tan PH, Lin VC, Wang HK, Chen HS. A comparison of the Trachway intubating stylet and the Macintosh laryngoscope in tracheal intubation: a manikin study. J Anesth. 2013 Apr, 27(2):205-210. (SCI IF:0.867)

70.Lin VC, Liao CH, Kuo HC. (Equal Contribution) Progression of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms After Discontinuation of 1 Medication From 2-Year Combined Alpha-blocker and 5-Alpha-reductase Inhibitor Therapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Men - A Randomized Multicenter Study. Urology. 2014 Feb5, 83(2):416-421. (SCI IF: 2.424)

71.Liu KW, Lin VC, Chang IW. Clear cell adenocarcinoma of the renal pelvis: an extremely rare neoplasm of the upper urinary tract. Polish Journal of Pathology. 2013Dec, 64(4):308-311. (SCI IF:0.490)

72.V-C Lin, C-Y Huang, Y-C Lee, C-C Yu, T-Y Chang, T-L Lu, S-P Huang, B-Y Bao. (Equal Contribution)Genetic variations in TP53 binding sites are predictors of clinical outcomes in prostate cancer patients. Archives Of Toxicology. 2014 Apr, 88(4):901-911. (SCI IF:5.215)

73.Chen-Hsun Ho, Pin-Wen Liao, Victor C. Lin, Fu-Shan Jaw, Shih-Chieh Jeff Chueh, Shiu-Dong Chung, Shih-Ping Liu, Yao-Chou Tsai, Hong-Jeng Yu. Laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) retroperitoneal partial adrenalectomy using a custom-made single-access platform and standard laparoscopic instruments: Technical considerations and surgical outcomes. Asian Journal of Surgery. 2015 Jan, 38(1):6-12. (SCI IF:0.543)

74.Shu-Pin Huang, Eric Levesque, Chantal Guillemette, Chia-Cheng Yu, Chao-Yuan Huang, Victor C. Lin, I-Che Chung, Lih-Chyang Chen, Isabelle Laverdie`re, Louis Lacombe,  Yves Fradet, Ta-Yuan Chang, Hong-Zin Lee, Shin-Hun Juang and Bo-Ying Bao. Genetic variants in microRNAs and microRNA target sites predict biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy in localized prostate cancer. International Journal of Cancer. 2014 Dec, 135(11):2661-2667. (SCI IF:6.198)

75. Ching-Chieh Su, Chi-Ming Chan, Han-Min Chen, Chia-Chun Wu, Chien-Yu Hsiao, Pei-Lan Lee, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin and Chi-Feng Hung. Lutein Inhibits the Migration of Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells via Cytosolic and Mitochondrial Akt Pathways (Lutein Inhibits RPE Cells Migration). International Journal Of Molecular Sciences. 2014 Aug. 15(8):13755-67. (SCI IF:2.339)

76. Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Po-Tsun Kuo, Ying-Chao Lin, Yeh Chen, You-Cheng Hseu, Hsin-Ling Yang, Jung-Yie Kao, Chi-Tang Ho, and Tzong-Der Way. Penta-O-galloyl-β-d-glucose Suppresses EGF-Induced eIF3i Expression through Inhibition of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Pathway in Prostate Cancer Cells. J Agric Food Chem. 2014 Sep 10. 62(36):8990-8996. (SCI IF:3.107)

77.Chih-Jen Wang, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Ching-Yu Huang. Endoluminal release of ureteral ligature after hysterectomy. J Formos Med Assoc. 2016 Jan. 115(1):51-53. (SCI IF:1.695)

78.Chien-Shu Chen, Chao-Yuan Huang, Shu-Pin Huang, Victor C. Lin, Chia-Cheng Yu, Ta-Yuan Chang, Bo-Ying Bao. Genetic Interaction Analysis of TCF7L2 for Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy in Localized Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015 Feb 05. 12(3):243-247. (SCI IF:1.552)

79.Chao-Yuan Huang, Shu-Pin Huang, Victor C. Lin, Chia-Cheng Yu, Ta-Yuan Chang, Shin-Hun Juang, Bo-Ying Bao. Genetic variants in the Hippo pathway predict biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer. Scientific Reports. 2015 Feb. 5:8556. (SCI IF:5.078)

80.Henry Y. Lin, Yu-Chi Chen, Victor C. Lin. (Correspondence) Novel technique to enhance bladder neck dissection with traction of Foley catheter during extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Urol Sci.2015 March. 26(1):24−28.(Non SCI)

81.I-Wei Chang, Peir-In Liang, Ching-Chia Li, Wen-Jeng Wu, Chun-Nung Huang, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Chao-Tien Hsu, Hong-Lin He, Ting-Feng Wu, Chih-Hsin Hung, Chien-Feng Li. HAS3 underexpression as an indicator of poor prognosis in patients with urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract and urinary bladder. Tumor Biol. 2015 Jul. 36(7):5441-5450 (SCI IF:2.840)

82.I-Wei Chang, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Chih-Hsin Hung, Hua-Pin Wang, Yung-Yao Lin, Wen-Jeng Wu, Chun-Nung Huang, Ching-Chia Li, Wei-Ming Li, Jui-Yu Wu, Chien-Feng Li. GPX2 underexpression indicates poor prognosis in patients with urothelial carcinomas of the upper urinary tract and urinary bladder. World J Urol. 2015 Mar. 33(11):1777-1789. (SCI IF:3.423)

83.I-Wei Chang, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Hong-Lin He, Chao-Tien Hsu, Ching-Chia Li, Wen-Jeng Wu, Chun-Nung Huang, Ting-Feng Wu, Chien-Feng Li. CDCA5 overexpression is an indicator of poor prognosis in patients with urothelial carcinomas of the upper urinary tract and urinary bladder. American Journal of Translational Research, 2015 Apr. 7(4):710-722. (SCI IF:3.402)

84.Yi-Ta Tsai, Mei-Jen Chuang, Shou-Hung Tang, Sheng-Tang Wu, Yu-Chi Chen,Guang-Huan Sun, Pei-Wen Hsiao, Shih-Ming Huang, Hwei-Jen Lee,Cheng-Ping Yu, Jar-Yi Ho, Hui-Kuan Lin, Ming-Rong Chen, Chung-ChihLin, Sun-Yran Chang, Victor C. Lin, Dah-Shyong Yu and Tai-Lung Cha. Novel Cancer Therapeutics with Allosteric Modulation of The Mitochondrial C-Raf/DAPK Complex by Raf Inhibitor Combination Therapy. Cancer Research. 2015 Sep. 75(17):3568-3582. (SCI IF:9.329)

85.Yao-Chou Tsai, Chen-Hsun Ho, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Fu-Shan Jaw. Ergonomic principles and techniques in facilitating advanced laparoendoscopic single site (LESS) urinary tract reconstruction with conventional laparoscopic instruments. J Formos Med Assoc. 2015 Aug. 114(8):698-703. (SCI IF:1.968)

86.Lin VC, Liao CH, Wang CC, Kuo HC. 5α-Reductase inhibitor is less effective in men with small prostate volume and low serum prostatic specific antigen level. J Formos Med Assoc. 2015 Sep.114(9):865-871. (SCI IF:1.968)

87.Chao-Yuan Huang, Shu-Pin Huang, Victor C. Lin, Chia-Cheng Yu, Ta-Yuan Chang, Te-Ling Lu, Hung-Chih Chiang & Bo-Ying Bao. Genetic variants of the autophagy pathway as prognostic indicators for prostate cancer. Scientific Reports. 2015 Sep. 5:14045. (SCI IF:5.578)

88.Yi-Chang Lin, Nan-Han Lu, Chia-Hsiang Lin, Kai-Jen Lin. Characteristic Enhancement of Patterns of Renal epithelioid Angiomyolipoma: a case report and literature review. Journal of Radiological science. 2015 Sep, 40(2):51-56. (Non SCI)

89.Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin. (Correspondence) Benefits and concerns of early adjuvant radiotherapy for prostate cancer with pathological adverse tumor characteristics. Urol Sci. 2015 Dec, 26(4):238-239. (Non SCI)

90.Yu-Chi Chen,Chung-Hsien Chen,Chen-Yu Wu,Hann-Chorng Kuo,Victor C. Lin. (Correspondence) Explore the Roles of Urothelial Dysfunction and Chronic Inflammation in the Pathophysiology of Recurrent Bacterial Cystitis. Fu-Jen Journal of Medicine. 2015 Jun, ISSN:1810-2093. 13(2):73-81. (Non SCI)

91.Bo-Ying Bao, Victor C. Lin, Chia-Cheng Yu, Hsin-Ling Yin, Ta-Yuan Chang, Te-Ling Lu, Hong-Zin Lee, Jiunn-Bey Pao, Chao-Yuan Huang & Shu-Pin Huang. Genetic variants in ultraconserved regions associate with prostate cancer recurrence and survival. Scientific Reports. 2016 Feb. 6:22124. (SCI IF:5.578)

92.Victor C. Lin, Chung-hsien Chen, Allen W. Chiu. Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy for upper tract urothelial carcinoma-Update. Asian Journal of Urology. 2016 May, 3(3):115-119. (Non SCI)

93.I-Wei Chang, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Wen-Jen Wu, Peir-In Liang, Wei-Ming Li, Bi-Wen Yeh, Hong-Lin He, Alex Chien-Hwa Liao, Ti-Chun Chan, Chien-Feng Li. Complement Component 1, s Subcomponent Overexpression is an Independent Poor Prognostic Indicator in Patients with Urothelial Carcinomas of the Upper Urinary Tract and Urinary Bladder. Journal of Cancer. 2016 Jun. 7(11):1396-1405. (SCI IF:3.609)

94.I-Wei Chang, Chien-Feng Li, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Hong-Lin He, Per-In Liang, Wen-Jeng, Wu, Ching-Chia Li, Chun-Nung Huang. Prognostic Impact of Thrombospodin-2 (THBS2) Overexpression on Patients with Urothelial Carcinomas of Upper Urinary Tracts and Bladders. Journal of Cancer. 2016 Jul. 7(11):1541-1549. (SCI IF:3.609)

95.Cheng-Hsueh Lee, Jiunn-Bey Pao, Te-Ling Lu, Hong-Zin Lee, Yung-Chin Lee, Chia-Chu Liu, Chao-Yuan Huang, Victor C. Lin, Chia-Cheng Yu, Hsin-Ling Yin, Shu-Pin Huang, Bo-Ying Bao. Prognostic Value of Prostaglandin-endoperoxide Synthase 2 Polymorphisms in Prostate Cancer Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy. International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016 Aug. 13(9):696-700. (SCI IF:2.232)

96.Jiun-Hung Geng, Victor C. Lin, Chia-Cheng Yu, Chao-Yuan Huang, Hsin-Ling Yin, Ta-Yuan Chang, Te-Ling Lu, Shu-Pin Huang and Bo-Ying Bao. Inherited Variants in Wnt Pathway Genes Influence Outcomes of Prostate Cancer Patients Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016 Nov 26. 17(12). pii: E1970. (SCI IF:3.257)

97.Victor C. Lin, Te-Ling Lu, Hsin-Ling Yin, Sheau-Fang Yang, Yung-Chin Lee, Chia-Chu Liu, Chao-Yuan Huang, Chia-Cheng Yu, Ta-Yuan Chang, Shu-Pin Huang and Bo-Ying Bao. Prognostic Relevance of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Polymorphisms for Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016 Nov 29. 17(12). pii: E1996. (SCI IF: 3.257)

98.Yu-Chi Chen, Pin-Hsuan Lin, Yann-Yuh Jou, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin. (Correspondence) Surgical treatment for urinary incontinence after prostatectomy: A meta-analysis and systematic review. PLoS One. 2017 May 3. 12(5):e0130867. (SCI IF:3.057)

99.Victor C. Lin, Shu-Pin Huang, Huei-Ju Ting, Wen-Lung Ma, Chia-Cheng Yu, Chao-Yuan Huang, Hsin-Ling Yin, Tsung-Yi Huang, Cheng-Hsueh Lee, Ta-Yuan Chang, Te-Ling Lu and Bo-Ying Bao. Vitamin D receptor-binding site variants affect prostate cancer progression. Oncotarget. 2017 Sep 26. 8(43):74119-74128. (SCI IF:5.168)

100.Victor C. Lin, Shu-Pin Huang, Chao-Yuan Huang, Chia-Cheng Yu, Hsin-Ling Yin, Tsung-Yi Huang, Cheng-Hsueh Lee, Te-Ling Lu, Bo-Ying Bao. Cancer Stem Cell Gene Variants Predict Disease Recurrence in Patients Treated with Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer. Int J Med Sci. 2017 Sep 30. 14(12):1301-1306. (SCI IF:2.399)

101.Yao-Chou Tsai, Chung-Hsien Chen, Ya-Hui Hu, Leay-Kiaw Er, Che-Hsiung Wu, Shih-Chieh Chueh, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin.(Correspondence) Factors affecting operative efficiency and post-operative convalescence in laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) adrenalectomy. Surgical Endoscopy. 2018 Mar. 32(3):1449-1455. (SCI IF:3.747)

102.Chung-Hsien Chen, Chen-Yu Wu, Yu-Chi Chen, Tzong-Der Way, Victor C. Lin. (Correspondence) Synergic anti-tumor effect of pterostilbene, an inhibitor of type I insulin-like growth factor receptor, and trastuzumab against HER2-overexpressing bladder cancer cells. Fu-Jen Journal of Medicine. 2017 Nov, 15(4):191-202. (Non SCI)

103.Yung-Yao Lin, Victor C. Lin, I-Wei Chang. Urinary schistosomiasis: Schistosoma haematobium infection diagnosed by histopathology. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2017 Oct-Dec. 60(4):614-615. (SCI IF: 0.616)

104.Eric Y. Huang, Yu‐Jia Chang, Shu‐Pin Huang, Victor C. Lin, Chia‐Cheng Yu, Chao‐Yuan Huang, Hsin‐Ling Yin, Ta‐Yuan Chang, Te‐Ling Lu and Bo‐Ying Bao. A common regulatory variant in SLC35B4 influences the recurrence and survival of prostate cancer. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2018 Jul.  22(7):3661-3670. (SCI IF: 4.499)

105. Hsu-Che Huang , Yuan-Hong Jiang, Victor Chia-Hsiang Lin, Yao-Chou Tsai, Hann-Chorng Kuo. Possible predictor of early recovery on urinary continence after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy – Bladder neck level and urodynamic parameters. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 2018 May 24. (SCI IF: 2.452)

106.Chia-Cheng Yu, Lih-Chyang Chen, Chih-Yung Chiou, Yu-Jia Chang, Victor C. Lin, Chao-Yuan Huang, I-Ling Lin, Ta-Yuan Chang, Te-Ling Lu, Cheng-Hsueh Lee, Shu-Pin Huang and Bo-Ying Bao. Genetic variants in the circadian rhythm pathway as indicators of prostate cancer progression. Cancer Cell International. 2019 Apr. (2019)19:87. (SCI IF: 3.439)

107.Chia‐Cheng Yu, Lih‐Chyang Chen, Victor C. Lin, Chao‐Yuan Huang, Wei‐Chung Cheng, Ai‐Ru Hsieh, Ta‐Yuan Chang, Te‐Ling Lu, Cheng‐Hsueh Lee, Shu‐Pin Huang and Bo‐Ying Bao. Effect of genetic variants in cell adhesion pathways on the biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer patients with radical prostatectomy. Cancer Medicine. 2019 Jun. 8(6): 2777–2783. (SCI IF: 3.357)

108.Cheng-Hsueh Lee, Lih-Chyang Chen, Chia-Cheng Yu, Wen-Hsin Lin, Victor C. Lin, Chao-Yuan Huang, Te-Ling Lu, Shu-Pin Huang, Bo-Ying Bao. Prognostic Value of CD1B in Localised Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019 Nov 27. 16(23). pii: E4723. (SCI IF: 2.468)

109.Chia-Cheng Yu, Lih-Chyang Chen, Chao-Yuan Huang, Victor C. Lin, Te-Ling Lu, Cheng-Hsueh Lee, Shu-Pin Huang, Bo-Ying Bao. Genetic association analysis identifies a role for ANO5 in prostate cancer progression. Cancer Medicine. 2020 Apr. 9(7):2372-2378. (SCI IF: 3.357)

110.Chia-Cheng Yu, Lih-Chyang Chen, Wen-Hsin Lin, Victor C.Lin, Chao-Yuan Huang, Te-Ling Lu, Cheng-Hsueh Lee, Shu-Pin Huang, Bo-Ying Bao. Genetic Association Analysis of Cell Cycle Regulators Reveals YWHAZ Has Prognostic Significance in Prostate Cancer. Cancer Genomics & Proteomics. 2020 Mar-Apr. 17(2):209-216. (SCI IF: 3.147)

111.Chien-Chih Ke, Lih-Chyang Chen, Chia-Cheng Yu, Wei-Chung Cheng, Chao-Yuan Huang, Victor C Lin, Te-Ling Lu, Shu-Pin Huang, Bo-Ying Bao. Genetic Analysis Reveals a Significant Contribution of CES1 to Prostate Cancer Progression in Taiwanese Men. Cancers. 2020 May 25. 12(5):1346. (SCI IF: 6.162)

112. Chun‐Hsien Wu  Chung‐Hsien Chen  Pei‐Fang Hsieh  Yen‐Hsi Lee  Wade Wei‐Ting Kuo  Richard Chen‐Yu Wu  Chih‐Hsin Hung  Yu‐Lin Yang  Victor C. Lin. (Correspondence)Verbascoside inhibits the epithelial‐mesenchymal transition of prostate cancer cells through high‐mobility group box 1/receptor for advanced glycation end‐products/TGF‐β pathway. Environmental Toxicology. 2021 Jun. 36(6):1080-1089. (SCI IF: 3.118) 

113. Huang SP, Chen LC, Chen YT, Lee CH, Huang CY, Yu CC, Lin VC, Lu TL, Bao BY. PTBP1 Genetic Variants Affect the Clinical Response to Androgen-deprivation Therapy in Patients With Prostate Cancer. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2021 May-June. 18(3):325-334. (SCI IF: 4.069)

114. Huang SP, Chen YT, Chen LC, Lee CH, Huang CY, Yu CC, Lin VC, Lu TL, Bao BY. NRG1 Genetic Variant Influences the Efficacy of Androgen-Deprivation Therapy in Men with Prostate Cancer. Biomedicines. 2021 May 10. 9(5):528. (SCI IF: 6.081)

115. Wang SH, Huang SP, Pan YJ, Hsiao PC, Li CY, Chen LC, Yu CC, Huang CY, Lin VC, Lu TL, Bao BY. Association between the polygenic liabilities for prostate cancer and breast cancer with biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer. American Journal of Cancer Research. 2021 May 15. 11(5):2331-2342. (SCI IF: 6.166)

116. Hsing-Chia Mai, Richard C. Wu, Victor C. Lin, Wade W.-T. Kuo, Chun-Hsien Wu. External validation of Solomon–Greenwell nomogram for female bladder outlet obstruction. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2022 Feb. 41(2):626-632. (SCI IF: 2.696)

117. Hao-Han Chang, Cheng-Hsueh Lee, Yei-Tsung Chen, Chao-Yuan Huang, Chia-Cheng Yu, Victor C. Lin, Jiun-Hung Geng, Te-Ling Lu, Shu-Pin Huang and Bo-Ying Bao. Genetic Analysis Reveals the Prognostic Significance of the DNA Mismatch Repair Gene MSH2 in Advanced Prostate Cancer. Cancers. 2022 Jan 04. 14(1):223. (SCI IF: 6.639)

118. Cheng-Hsin Lu, Chun-Hsien Wu, Pei-Fang Hsieh, Chen-Yu Wu, Wade Wei-Ting Kuo, Chien-Hui Ou, Victor Chia Hsiang Lin. (Correspondence) Small interfering RNA targeting N-cadherin regulates cell proliferation and migration in enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancer. Oncology Letters. 2022 Mar. 23(3):90. (SCI IF: 2.967)

119. Chien-Ming Lai, Richard C. Wu, Chun-Hsien Wu, Chiang-Ting Wang, Victor C. Lin. (Correspondence) Does the Timing of Performing Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy after Prostate Biopsy Affect the Outcome? Urological Science. 2022 Apr-June, ISSN: 1879-5226. 33(2):63-69. (Non SCI)

120. Chia-Yang Li, Shu-Pin Huang, Yei-Tsung Chen, Hsin-En Wu, Wei-Chung Cheng, Chao-Yuan Huang, Chia-Cheng Yu, Victor C Lin, Jiun-Hung Geng, Te-Ling Lu, Bo-Ying Bao. TNFRSF13B is a potential contributor to prostate cancer. Cancer Cell International. 2022 May 6. 22(1):180. (SCI IF: 5.722)

121. Chun-Hsien Wu, Pei-Fang Hsieh, Yen-Hsi Lee, Wade Wei-Ting Kuo, Richard Chen-Yu Wu, Yung-Yao Lin, Chih-Hsin Hung, Ming-Lin Hsieh, See-Tong Pang, Yu-Lin Yang, Victor C. Lin. (Correspondence) Nuclear Respiratory Factor 1 Overexpression Inhibits Proliferation and Migration of PC3 Prostate Cancer Cells. Cancer Genomics & Proteomics. 2022 Sep-Oct. 19(5):614-623. (SCI IF: 3.395)

122. Mu-Chiao Tung, Chun-Hsien Wu, Richard C. Wu, Wade Wei-Ting Kuo, Hsing-Chia Mai, Sih-Han Chen, Chao-Yang Chiang, Victor C, Lin. (Correspondence) Does Obesity Affect the Outcomes of Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer in the Era of Extraperitoneal Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy? Urological Science. 2022 July-Sep. 33(3):136-144. (Non SCI)

123. Sih-Han Chen, Chun-Hsien Wu, Richard Chen-Yu Wu, Hsing‐Chia Mai, Victor C. Lin. (Correspondence) Oncologic and Renal Function Outcomes of Segmental Ureterectomy versus Radical Nephroureterectomy for Urothelial Carcinoma of the Ureter. Urological Science. 2022 July. (Non SCI) Accept


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